Sports can be a highly emotional area of children's relationships with their parents, especially for children who are athletically gifted.
But then neither has his replacement, Lyle West, who is smaller and less athletically gifted.
The main character of the story, Sumika is intelligent and athletically gifted, tall with long black hair.
It was apparent how athletically gifted and fast he was.
In 1980-81, Holzman took an athletically gifted team out of training camp.
Sehorn, perhaps the team's most popular and athletically gifted player, also received a $10 million signing bonus.
To be gifted athletically or to be able to fly over people would help, but I can't do that.
Cannon played sports as a child, but was not athletically gifted.
We may not be the cleverest but we're athletically gifted.
Because Williams is faster, stronger and more athletically gifted.