Peirce's criterion was used for decades at the United States Coast Survey.
He said scientists at the United States Geological Survey estimated that the sloshing would gradually diminish in a few days.
Daily, monthly and yearly statistical data in cf/s (cubic feet per second) since 1924 are available at the United States Geological Survey website.
Scientists at the United States Geological Survey in Golden, Colo., said the quake had a magnitude of 4.4.
Real-time, geographic and other scientific resources of Virgin Islands at the United States Geological Survey.
He has worked as a planetary geologist at the United States Geological Survey and Northern Arizona University.
At the United States Geological Survey, she heads the Microbiology and Molecular Ecology team.
"They're just not large enough to be causing any earthquakes," said Waverly Person, a geophysicist at the United States Geological Survey.
He then worked at the United States Geological Survey until 1966, where he studied the stratigraphy and paleontology of the Cambrian.
Janet Stone, a geologist at the United States Geological Survey in East Hartford, said the public should understand that flooding is normal for the spring.