The old city hall, on the other hand, still stands today in its present location at 9th Avenue.
The stabbing occurred by the side of the building at 5800 20th Avenue.
The northern boundary of the community is located at 16th Avenue.
One would be a 16-story 340-room hotel at 36th Street and 11th Avenue.
At 18th Avenue he did interviews, then boarded the train.
Eventually, it became common knowledge in his building at 3050 Park Avenue that little had changed.
She ran a brothel at 1725 6th Avenue from approximately 1906 to 1941.
The tenement at 40-04 36th Avenue has also been the focus of litigation.
And then there was the broken machine in the 46th election district polling place, at 3782 10th Avenue.
We didn't stop at 51st Street and 11th Avenue but drove past it four times.