He swore mentally at his ingrained habit of considering all the possibilities, even the worst ones.
Ratcliffe was exasperated at Carrington's habit of drawing discussion to this point.
It bounced off his arm, and Skimmer took a step backwards, mildly appalled at the upper class's habit of fruithurling.
Tiny wooden hands fitted with minute hooks, invisible to the eye, tore at her habit.
She walked out into the yard and looked up at the window as the wind wrenched violently at her habit.
And only shook his head at her habit of boiling herself awake every morning.
Emily was back at her old habit of doing sums in her head.
Moreta worried at Holth's habit of nipping between so soon after takeoff, but the dragon was old.
Then she saw how he was staring at her habit, and looking at the two grooms.
Vai looked at Winn's habit, recognizing its clercal significance but no more.