Parental smoking, age at onset, and duration of hearing loss before operation, however, were significant and are therefore included in the models.
Testing continued until January 1966, with one engine in particular igniting successfully in 30 successive firings, including five tests at full duration of 470 seconds each.
However, the use of his power at such intensity and duration severely strained him, leaving him comatose.
Atopic myelitis show distinctive features such as younger age at onset, non-acute onset and long duration of symptoms at admission, predominant sensory symptoms with mild weakness.
Khlat M, Vail A, Parkin M, et al.: Mortality from melanoma in migrants to Australia: variation by age at arrival and duration of stay.
Buses are available at short duration of 30 minutes.
Still, the panel voted 7 to 1 that the drug was effective and 7 to 1 that it was safe at its currently recommended lower dose and duration of treatment.
Type B: onset at age 20 or older and duration of less than 10 years.
The Oklahoma Mesonet is a network of environmental monitoring stations designed to measure the environment at the size and duration of mesoscale weather events.
One way to measure the risk in the fixed-income market is to look at duration, a measure of the sensitivity to moves in interest rates of a bond or bond index.