This star has a magnitude 9.4 companion at an angular separation of 106.6 arcseconds.
It is at an angular separation of 12.71 arcseconds from the other members of the system.
There is a third component at an angular separation of 0.22 arcseconds.
It has a magnitude 11.2 companion at an angular separation of 8.7 arcseconds.
A second companion is a 12th magnitude star at an angular separation of 92.8 arcseconds.
At an angular separation of 0.53 arcseconds is a magnitude 8.50 companion.
At an angular separation of 3.25 arcseconds is a magnitude 8.76 companion star.
A second binary system is located at an angular separation of 69 arcseconds.
The bolts flashed at an increasing separation because the tank was accelerating.
It has a 10th-magnitude optical companion at an angular separation of 7.1 arcseconds.