Nevertheless the network's ratings have held up, compared with a year earlier, at a 7.7 rating and a roughly 13 share of audience.
Good units start at a rating of about 40-60db for noise filtering.
During the next few weeks, ratings stabilized at a 0.6 rating.
At a rating of 5, two tasks can be performed at once.
The movie stands at a rating of 84.
Rotten Tomatoes currently review this movie at 39% fresh, or an overall rating of 5.8/10.
Each network now stands at a 12.9 rating for the season.
Allmusic gave at a near perfect 4.5 out of 5 star rating.
He said the network "would be comfortable at a rating of 21 or 22."
However, a merged company would have minimal exposure to base metals and should trade at a higher rating.