Leo took the gun away from his head and pointed it at Johnson.
Meanwhile, other coaches look at Johnson and try to emulate his techniques.
For a moment he did nothing, just sat there staring into the air, then he looked back at Johnson, who had followed him across.
Exhibitions play a major role in both academic and student life at Johnson.
Bird looked at Johnson and pointed to the far corner, as if to say, that's where you should pass the ball.
Metz looked at Johnson as though the man had gone completely out of his mind.
Day then appeared to take one swing at Johnson, and took another, hitting an official.
He grinned at Johnson, who wrote the film, including the bit about the flower and the wheel.
Conley glanced over at Johnson, then turned back to his papers.
The public-information people at Johnson can take over, if you would be kind enough to go there.