Until a randomized trial demonstrates that a screening test is beneficial, it should not be used on asymptomatic people.
And there are many asymptomatic people who have learned that they have high blood pressure at an annual exam.
In the past two years blood tests that can diagnose infection with herpes simplex virus type 2, even in asymptomatic people, have become widely available.
In a way, it's like finding a gene - do you treat asymptomatic people who have a gene for breast cancer?
Screening is a means of detecting disease early in asymptomatic people.
Screening refers to the use of medical tests to detect disease in asymptomatic people.
In addition, the study included examination of cases in which there were no symptoms, calling into question the common belief that asymptomatic people cannot transmit the disease.
Experts have recommended treating asymptomatic people who may have been exposed to anthrax for 60 days.
Advances in imaging technology have made it increasingly common for healthy, asymptomatic people like me to learn of such a disturbing "incidental finding."
According to federal guidelines, the complete blood count, or C.B.C., is a test with no proven value for asymptomatic people.