Additionally, the legislation limited an individual's right to appeal some of the decisions from asylum officers.
Both the asylum officer and the judge found that she had no credible fear of persecution.
But on July 1, she ended up being interviewed by an asylum officer without a lawyer.
Under federal law, immigration officials are required to refer people who express a fear of returning to their home country to an asylum officer.
Nationwide, more than 250,000 foreigners are waiting in line to see one of only 150 asylum officers.
And suddenly it was clear that here, in the asylum officers, were the Americans who dealt with the world.
"Credible fear" is determined through an interview with an asylum officer.
The commissioner instead wants the asylum officers placed under the control of district immigration directors.
Only 150 asylum officers exist to hear their claims; 364,000 applicants are waiting in line.
This was not, however, what he told the asylum officer.