Nevertheless, a confluence of astute marketing, high gasoline prices, and rampant inflation actually led to an increase in ridership during the early 1980s.
Success today requires astute marketing, scrupulous attention to costs and a knack for rolling out services for business customers.
Far from placing them at a competitive disadvantage, astute marketing should increase their share of the market.
Others say astute marketing just might pay off handsomely.
Prudential Home doesn't owe all its success to astute marketing, though.
The book owed its commercial success to its soothingly simplistic thesis--and to astute marketing.
With astute marketing, he has created a hugely profitable intellectual property business.
Though Lincoln and Imperial were stronger rivals in these years than they had been in the '50s, neither could match Cadillac's brand cachet, broad model line or astute marketing.
The effectiveness was legendary and combined with astute marketing; Designer Whey became a national success.
The worldwide popularity of their TV shows was coupled with astute marketing, and the combination made APF one of the most successful merchandising ventures of the decade.