I'm amazed they have the Drive itself, although its principles can be deduced from astrophysical research.
The voorwerp and the neighboring galaxy are the object of active astrophysical research.
The discovery marked the beginning of X-ray astronomy, which soon became a principal tool of astrophysical research.
Gravitational redshift is studied in many areas of astrophysical research.
Horowitz has also conducted astrophysical research on pulsars and investigations in biophysics.
From the 1990s on, astrophysical research conducted at the South Pole took advantage of its favorable atmospheric conditions and began to produce important scientific results.
"For a few years at least this will be a book that can render the arcana of astrophysical research understandable to the public."
I'm surprised that the Qavok apparently have a science officer whose official functions are to conduct astrophysical research.
The Centre comprises about 38 staff and 32 students engaged in diverse areas of astrophysical research.
The spectrograph has been used to catalog bright solar spectrum as part of an effort to create an online digital database for astrophysical research.