And smoking-related diseases, like lung cancer, are rising among women at astronomical rates.
Many insurers no longer offer terrorism coverage, once routine in general property policies, and others are charging astronomical rates for very limited coverage.
It is now well known that banks are offering renewed overdraft rates at astronomical rates (APR 19% typical) on a take it or leave it basis.
Second, though our cultural traditions have long taught us that the practice of lending money at astronomical rates is abhorrent, usury has become acceptable as good business.
Then our insurance company - to whom we pay astronomical rates - denied our claim on a technicality.
Conversely, during the same period, the Golden State also attracted commercial and industrial expansion of astronomical rates.
All the while the interest costs grew at astronomical rates.
Make too many claims and you get your policy canceled or your rates elevated to astronomical rates.
Ontario grew at an astronomical rate, increasing 10 times in the next half a century.
Companies were growing at astronomical rates and desperately needed talent to fill new jobs.