This had led to an enormous increase in astronomical information.
He plays an important role in the dissemination of astronomical information and discoveries in South Australia.
Almanacs are books containing meteorological and astronomical information, which the Maya used in various aspects of their life.
The inscribed tablets give astronomical information dear to George Burt's heart, and quotations from scripture and the poets.
Many ancient civilizations collected astronomical information in a systematic manner through simple observation.
The term is loosely used to refer to any clock that shows, in addition to the time of day, astronomical information.
Scholars also felt that most glyphs represented astronomical or calendar information.
These very rare booklets reveal the astronomical information that was held by the colonists' intellectual class.
The only difference between the three U.S. editions is the city by which astronomical information is calculated and how tide times are presented.
Readers of this article are advised not to depend upon it for scientific or astronomical information but instead to consult the article Mercury (planet).