Then the astronomers tried to study what had happened to the Eye.
If it is, why do astronomers try so hard to distinguish microkelvins some 13 billion years old?
During the 18th century, astronomers tried to use transits of Venus to measure the distance from the Earth to the Sun.
Knowing the approximate date, astronomers can try to ascertain the cosmology of the Biblical event.
In 1998, however, when astronomers tried to measure this deceleration, they were astonished to find that the universe is in fact accelerating.
Despite the difficulties in interpreting the discoveries, astronomers are still trying to find more moons.
The professional astronomers then try to make scientific sense out of the data.
To find the explanation, astronomers tried to observe objects so distant that their light had been traveling to Earth for billions of years.
In their initial proposal, the astronomers tried maintaining some sense of order by labeling the Big Eight as "classical planets."
Even though astronomers tried to find it again, it has not been reliably seen since.