The astronauts performed the last two shuttle plume observations today.
During the Soyuz 6 mission, Russian astronauts performed the first welding experiments in space.
During the television hookup, the astronauts juggled a 120-pound camera on their fingertips to show how light things are in space and performed some acrobatics.
The astronauts perform their part of the show in a command module in another room in the theatre.
The program is designed to acquaint young people with the tasks astronauts perform.
They are aware that it is a unique opportunity to get to create an experiment that an astronaut will perform for you.
Today, astronauts perform extremely complicated tasks like capturing and reboosting a satellite 195 nautical miles above the Earth.
The astronauts then put their spacesuits on, performed light exercise and rested for an additional 50 minutes, breathing pure oxygen all the while.
Inside the orbiter, all six astronauts performed checks with ground controllers to verify that communications links work properly.
But how do astronauts perform other everyday functions like eating and sleeping?