The moon is only three days away, 240,000 miles, but no astronauts have made the journey in 22 years.
Later, in the 21st century, astronauts would make the journey, according to these proposals.
But the Russian officials would not say which astronaut had made the mistake.
The astronauts also made two space walks last month, the first to repair damage the spacecraft received on takeoff.
Two astronauts made an emergency space walk three days later and caught the satellite.
The astronauts, who performed a record five space walks, made what was only the second nighttime landing in Florida by a shuttle.
He added that engineers were also trying to determine if astronauts could make emergency repairs in flight, away from the space station.
Five astronauts today made an inspection of the space shuttle Discovery, which they hope to ride into orbit late this month.
Admittedly, the astronauts would not make it home themselves.
It's hard to believe that American astronauts on a somewhat bigger station would make the heart pound.