"I detect a faint astringent odor," Seven said, keeping her voice low.
The draft struck up again, stronger than before, and beneath the astringent odors of the hospital, Hal thought he detected a faint scent of smoke.
She saw no bandage, though she caught the astringent odor of vrrela.
As he left, he could still smell the astringent odor.
It was a faintly sour, astringent odor that had the quality of decay in it.
But, for apartment dwellers, decades of accepting astringent odors from below has given way in recent months to mounting concerns about perchloroethylene.
The ubiquitous smell of mildew was absent, replaced by the astringent odor of a strong disinfectant.
Around him he could smell soaps and perfumes, and the odors, astringent or sweet, of various medications.
Ilna sneezed at the dry, astringent odor, but it wasn't anything she would have described as unpleasant.
She smelled it then: the astringent odor of molten plasticine.