The price was an astounding sum then and remained a record at auction for any American autograph until 1949 and for Gwinnett until 1979.
The pre-eminent male professional on the American circuit, Mike Sigel, won what is for pool the astounding sum of $104,000 last year.
Swiss Bank thought enough of his ability that it paid $750 million two years ago to acquire Brinson Partners - an astounding sum for a firm that, at the time, managed only $36 billion.
Several months after beginning work for them, she received an offer to buy her second romance manuscript for $2,000, which she considered an "astounding sum."
As Mastakovich observes the girl, he calculates what her dowry (with interest) would be at age sixteen, and he comes up with the astounding sum of 500,000 rubles.
It is an astounding sum in a region with an annual per capita rural income of less than $500, in a village that recently shut its elementary school for lack of funds.
Going 81-81 would require them to win 38 more games than last season, an astounding sum.
And if the script shows its age, well, that's part of the fun: the astounding sum these goofballs finally secure from a backer to get their 22-member cast onto Broadway is $15,000.
HAVE you heard about the southwest corner of 42d Street and Broadway being acquired for an astounding sum, with plans to build a skyscraper with offices and signs?
The asking price - $1 million - was an astounding sum, even considering that the car was one of just six similarly equipped 'Cudas that Chrysler built as 1971 models.