It also has to do with the astounding growth of the lobbying industry, a growth that has tracked the growth of the federal government itself.
It was only 19 months ago that investors were still pouring money into Asia, convinced that its astounding growth could not be stopped by an economic bubble or political weakness.
Half of that astounding growth would come from $9.2 billion in future acquisitions.
Church officials and non-Mormons who study the church agree that the intense focus on proselytizing has helped feed this astounding growth.
Over the years, Kuah has developed to become a modern and vibrant town with many shopping and dining opportunities, helped by the astounding growth of visitors to Langkawi.
In Cairo, the task of redeveloping the embassy property was complicated by the astounding growth of the embassy.
Mepro's astounding growth makes it Israel's largest exporter of non-military electronic equipment.
Will the company be able to sustain such astounding growth?
This set-up and the Project Competence Concept have played a key role in SHB's astounding growth.
It has pierced the veil of silence that, for decades, has obscured the astounding growth of what can fairly be called plutocracy.