It was an astounding display, considering Carr had played only eight minutes and scored just 2 points since joining the Nets in the Marbury trade.
Nothing like a liberal on his righteous high horse for the most astounding display of sheer brass neck.
Against Virginia Tech, Miami used 25 different players on defense, an astounding display of depth, and a strategy that Coker and his assistants say keeps a star system from forming.
Computer and Video Games described the game's demo, unveiled in early March 1996, as "the most astounding display of video game graphic muscle ever in the history of this industry."
Workers and peasants alike stared in open-mouthed bewilderment at this astounding display of productivity, then bent to scrabble in the muck for the brightly colored sporks of revolution.
Six men in briefs throw chairs at one another in an astounding display of fine-tuned energy.
In an astounding display of ignorance, the 20-year-old Indiana native initially denied hitting and punching Shirley though MTV had the footage on tape.
Fiber-optic cameras, electron microscopes and computer animation produce an astounding display of the workings of the human body.
At one point a deacon stood and in an astounding display began uttering something in a tongue I had never heard.
The 11 tourists, with a lot of help from the four friends who made up last night's team, gave an astounding display to inflict on France their first defeat here for seven years.