Of the 16 marathons she has run, she has finished first or second in the last 15, an astounding degree of consistency in such an unpredictable race.
She did test to an astounding degree of empathy, the source of her unusual linguistic feats.
They apply an astounding degree of importance to this incident.
Mr. Daroff said he had also found an astounding degree of consensus among American politicians.
For the French, who got over their defeat in Vietnam with a great deal more aplomb, Vietnam has taken on an astounding degree of chic, especially now that Thailand is so developed.
He had regained an astounding degree of movement, I thought.
While he certainly amassed an astounding degree of respect and expertise, it is known that his tendency to try new hobbies was annoying at the least, frightening at most.
No one could have presented a milder appearance, yet his slight frame hid a surprising physical strength and he could radiate an astounding degree of sheer moral presence at need.
The Government asserts that after locking up the supply of raw materials, Mylan was able to raise prices to an astounding degree.
We come in contact with our fellowman in all the activities of our lives and what we get out of life depends, to an astounding degree, on our relations with him.