With 287 items on loan from the Moscow Kremlin Museums, it is an astounding collection of crowns, scepters, jewels, garments, toys, paintings and tapestries.
There's also an astounding collection of Goya tapestries displayed alongside the painted "cartoons" that served as their models.
How did a small city about halfway between Indianapolis and Louisville, Ky., come by such an astounding collection of modern architecture?
He had the most astounding collection of teeth.
It took Rohr almost an hour to cover his astounding collection of credentials.
In one of the author's letters, of which there is an astounding collection, Santayana claimed the novel gave "the emotions of my experience, and not my thoughts or experiences themselves."
This work contains an astounding collection of facts invaluable to the scientific biographer and historian.
There, displayed in two rooms, is an astounding collection of saints' crowns, cult objects and monstrances made of gold and precious stones.
They include an astounding collection of kings and queens, writers and composers (but no painters), scientists and military figures.
The fellow also has an astounding collection of grappa, though I suppose that's neither here nor there.