He felt her pressed against him, her soft bulk astonishingly light, like meringue.
In her arms she was holding a child about two months-old, whose skin was astonishingly light.
It was astonishingly light, and even more astonishingly strong.
It was astonishingly light, to hold all the hope and future of a great race within it.
His step was astonishingly light for the corpulent man he was.
He turned and came running towards the Scout, astonishingly light and fast for his bulk.
Traffic on the roadways seemed astonishingly light at times.
The central machine was astonishingly light compared to modern states - neither the imperial bureaucracy nor even the military forces were large by modern standards.
She was astonishingly light on her feet.
So far, allied casualties have been astonishingly light; in a land war they will soon multiply.