Six years after Uzbekistan emerged as an independent nation, an astonishing tale has begun to spread from Nukus through the art world.
This astonishing tale is just one of the treats awaiting you in our anniversary year ahead.
It's an astonishing tale.
"While we're on the subject of astonishing tales ..." Laurie's voice had fallen into its old, easy amusement.
The award winning book has been called an "astonishing tale" written in "clear and unflinching prose".
Ferris considers the astonishing tales of hikers in free fall and determines, as a result, that the near-death experience may well be a matter of polypeptides.
Over recent weeks I have heard some most astonishing dietary tales.
Now Riane was seeing one of these astonishing tales unfold with her own eyes, and she knew Eleusis had not been exaggerating.
According to the British librarians, the story shows "what happens next in the astonishing tale of the dazzling Dish and Spoon duo, after they run away together".
"These are quietly astonishing tales, glistening with precision" and "full of delicate pleasures," Robert Draper wrote here last year.