Piers Vitebsky also mentions that, despite really astonishing similarities, there is no unity in shamanism.
"The thing which staggers me is the astonishing similarity in the principles on which life is maintained," remarked McNeil.
Surely one cannot expect chance to account for this astonishing similarity.
In the video game Call of Duty: World at War, the multiplayer map Banzai features a bridge that has astonishing similarities to the one in this film.
Despite astonishing similarities to the English original, the ABC "Millionaire" also displays a connection between wholesomeness and making money that is as bedrock American as Ben Franklin.
In 1988, it has happened again with astonishing similarity.
Noting "astonishing similarities" to a simultaneous case near Baltimore, Maryland, The Oregonian quoted a New York University expert that such cases were "a strategy the FBI set upon years ago."
She has the queen's form precisely; and everybody knows the astonishing similarity and likeness of Lady Jane's voice to that of the queen.
A point-bypoint comparison of the techniques of a Synanon "gamer" and U.S. Army drill sergeant, for instance, would show astonishing similarities, since the basic message is dozens and dozens of variations on "You are allwrong.
Pockets of mineral depletions in the area around the EsKay sites; an astonishing similarity in the periodicity and seasonality of the planets and planetoids.