Is it not true that you have escaped from the midst of his army with, to put it mildly, astonishing ease?
Suddenly, with astonishing ease at the accidental right touch, it had broken downward, it slanted open.
We observe and assimilate the terrible things that happen to other people with astonishing ease nowadays.
At that moment, Evelyn came up beside both of them and opened the door with astonishing ease.
What's amazing to me is the astonishing ease with which he manipulated the regular folk in the state.
But these people had outmanoeuvred him with astonishing ease.
It was the finest blade he'd ever held, and it cut through the ropes with astonishing ease.
Contemporary reports described him as "sturdy, though small, he could dribble through opponents with astonishing ease and grace."
"She boxed me in with astonishing ease and consummate tactics."
Similar activity was happening all over the land as the two duchies, with what I thought was astonishing ease, worked out their combination into one.