He smiled, noting the astonished expression on the faces of the others.
She bent back and looked at me with an astonished expression on her face.
He frowned and indicated the limp little man with the astonished expression who stood at his side.
He was really like a little child, with the astonished expression of a 6-year-old.
Seeing the astonished expression on the captain's face, he added: "I believe that is a joke."
Judging from her astonished expression, she was doing the same.
Their astonished expressions told her they had heard every word.
Jack wasn't happy about giving up the soldier's name, but there was some satisfaction to be had in the astonished expression on the prosecutor's face.
The mirrored wall reflected her astonished expression that he had brought about such a transformation.
But he stopped at the door with an astonished expression on his face.