She was publicly stoned to death by the astonished crowd, and according to the legend, removed from the Vatican archives.
I bet we looked like avenging angels, hovering over the astonished crowd.
A gasp went up from the astonished crowd.
"No one was waiting there," Harrick told the astonished crowd.
The astonished crowd fell silent, not believing that England could possibly have lost by 7 runs.
The astonished crowd, silent with awe for a moment, cheered their new champion.
On the television screen, Elaine was gyrating clowmshly around a dance floor, watched by an astonished crowd.
The building trembled from the cheers and applause of the astonished crowd.
What the anthropologist had to say astonished the crowd.
The astonished crowd watched as Carol kissed Nick full on the mouth to prevent his saying anything.