Instead, they should seize this opportunity to assure American workers that Social Security will continue to provide basic income support in the 21st century.
They must have what Mr. Ghera calls "clean hands," meaning they must be assured and experienced workers.
But local officials have repeatedly assured workers that tests show nothing abnormal in their blood or in the environment.
The university says this is an unusually generous pledge intended to assure workers that subcontracting will not hurt them.
Last year, Congress passed a bill that would have assured workers of 12 weeks of unpaid leave for births, adoptions and family illnesses.
Campaigning around the country, he assures blue-collar workers that he is worried about the economic trends, evidently trying to show that he cares.
A strong supporter of nationalisation, Hubbard regarded economic planning as assuring workers that increased production would not mean increased unemployment.
Still, he added, he thought it would now be difficult to assure workers of an ever-rising Dow.
Just last week, state health officials had assured postal workers that there was virtually no chance that anthrax could be spread from a sealed envelope.
The book advocates involving supervisors in planning so they can help assure workers of job security, and including workers in planning to contribute their ideas.