With two more victories, the 49ers will assure themselve of the home-field advantage throughout the National Conference playoffs.
But their beautiful design and amazing reliability assured a brisk market for them throughout the company's most prosperous years.
It states that its mission is "to assure the open development, evolution and use of the Internet for the benefit of all people throughout the world".
The treaty was meant to assure the safe conduct of shipwrecked sailors throughout the Paiwanan chiefdom.
Unless the autoclave uses steam injection, the circulation fan carries the burden of assuring temperature uniformity throughout the working chamber.
A party must receive at least 50,000 votes in a gubernatorial election to assure a ballot position throughout the state for the next four years.
A victory would give them a 13-2 mark and assure them of home-field advantage throughout the playoffs.
A Colts victory could all but assure home-field advantage throughout the playoffs.
The suit seeks no monetary damages, only an order requiring the state to assure certain essentials like textbooks and safe buildings throughout California.
"I will assure order throughout the republic," the president said in a brief, rushed taped statement on national television.