To kludge around something is to avoid a bug or some difficult condition by building a kludge, perhaps relying on properties of the bug itself to assure proper operation.
To assure operation at the correct frequency, one must make sure the capacitances in the circuit match the value specified on the crystal's data sheet.
Mr. Bush claims to have acted under his legal duties to protect American lives and to assure continued operation of the Panama Canal.
Hollerith, beginning with the 1890 census, had rented his machines so that his company could provide the maintenance necessary to assure reliable operation.
A cooling pump integrated into the gearboxes assures safe operation on one engine by pumping oil through the idle gearbox.
In 1813, he secured a license and files bond to assure legal and proper operation of his establishment.
Wafer testing tests the packaged device, often pre-, and post burn-in for a set of parameters that assure operation.
Companies are not building power plants and power lines fast enough to meet growing demand, according to a group recently assigned by the federal government to assure proper operation of the power grid.
AutoLoc's revolutionary super glide window design assures easy installation and guaranteed smooth operation.
Fuels requiring such treatment must have a separate fuel-treatment plant and a system of accurate fuel monitoring to assure reliable, low-maintenance operation of gas turbines.