Wherever they stopped, they assured local leaders that the Dutch had no designs upon their territory, and that Java expected neutrality when the attack came on Malacca.
The visit reportedly is aimed at assuring North Korean leaders that China remains an ideological ally despite recent efforts by Beijing to open trade ties with South Korea.
'No Question' on Rights Both men sought to assure black leaders of their sensitivity on minority concerns.
The Vice President assured Latin American leaders today that the additional American troops sent to Panama last month would be withdrawn "as soon as possible."
He assured other tribal leaders that the Americans would leave them alone.
On Nov. 14 he assured Congressional leaders that the troops' mission was still defensive: "I have not crossed any Rubicon."
He has also worked to assure foreign leaders that rivalries will not erupt within the council and that the transition will be democratic.
Mr. Kostunica's government must also assure regional leaders, especially in Kosovo, that it will respect the aspirations and political rights of minorities.
In his speech, Mr. Bush tried to assure other leaders that the American presence in the gulf is not permanent.
Administration officials said they also needed to assure Congressional leaders that Washington would expand the relief operation in Rwanda only if other countries joined.