Build the audience, they assured investors, and the profits will follow before long.
But they have sought ratings from Moody's to assure investors of their financial strength.
For months after the Crash, he continued to assure investors that a recovery was just around the corner.
They also assure foreign investors, who can count on taking back profits in a usable currency.
But for the first time in a long while, executives moved to assure investors that expansion and new hiring would now begin to slow.
He left assuring investors that the finances of Enron had never been better.
An extra $1.25 billion will go a long way towards assuring investors that it can continue to pay down this debt.
The company has assured investors that it will not reverse course and reintroduce promotions.
Since then, it has tried to assure clients and investors that its systems are safe.
At the same time, they sought to assure investors that whatever the shape of the rules, their companies would thrive.