Nothing showed that all of them were seconds at a duel, witnesses present to assure fairness.
Numbers were pinned to the dancers' black leotards to assure fairness; only later, when they performed their solos, would the judges learn their names.
But in the courtroom, many of the rules used to screen information are intended to assure fairness, not to help gauge a person's public popularity or unpopularity.
It's not my job to hire players or coaches for teams, but to assure fairness in the process.
"Our commitment is to assure fairness and honesty in the market," Mr. Grasso said.
A balance must be maintained between the interests of farmers and consumers to assure fairness and a continuing supply of products.
We do what we can to assure fairness.
Proponents say it would save time and assure fairness by giving similar amounts to people in similar situations.
These appraisals could be administered by rotating independent research houses to assure statistical randomness and fairness.
They have the power to review settlements and lawyers' fees to assure fairness to all.