Turning a curiosity into a business, however, means assuring clients of a product of good quality that is supplied on a regular basis.
After those problems, company officials had assured clients that they had vastly improved their quality control.
Now that the company is part of Lucent, its consulants may have to assure clients that they will not become prejudiced in favor of Lucent's products.
Mr. Canner said there was an incentive for lawyers who needed to assure clients that the acquisitions would not be questioned at a later time.
Since then, it has tried to assure clients and investors that its systems are safe.
At 9 A.M., Deloitte & Touche staffers were working the phones, assuring clients that business was returning to normal.
Profiteers and bogus lawyers often assure clients that living in the country for seven years is enough.
Ultimately, size is the only real means of differentiation that is readily available on accounting firms to assure clients that they can do international work.
And the firm's bankers have been assuring clients that Lazard's service and franchise remain intact.
Although many estate planning lawyers will assure clients of their ability to perform this specialized work, parents should be extraordinarily cautious in deciding which lawyer to retain.