Europe needs to take action in order to assure a reliable supply of protein.
But assuring steady supplies of blood is difficult, in part because blood must be used within 42 days.
But the department faces a difficult longer-term problem about how to assure a supply of tritium until new plants are built.
Its cultivation near the town assured a steady supply of the crucial grain which allowed for a higher quality of life.
Proponents say the rules stabilize milk prices, thereby assuring reliable supplies across the country.
Sustainable agriculture seeks to assure a continued supply of food within the ecological, economic and social limits required to sustain production in the long term.
The transmission company was a major seller of gas to customers and had locked itself into what became high-priced contracts to assure a supply.
This legislation was intended to relieve pressures on the president and the Senate by assuring a regular supply of vacancies.
Once the plants are healthy, foundation members take seeds and branches to the greenhouse for propagation, thus assuring a new supply of the species.
This house was built over a watercourse, assuring a reliable supply of water on what was then the frontier.