In fact, since his confirmation by the Senate last month, Mr. Daley has taken steps to assure Congress that he would separate politics and trade issues.
Defense Secretary William J. Perry has repeatedly assured Congress that the Pentagon can deliver on its plan.
It is trying to convince them that it will keep the contras going, while at the same time assuring Congress of its good faith in testing the peace plan.
He assured Congress that those tax cuts would not endanger future Social Security benefits.
And President Clinton wants to be able to assure Congress and the American people that he can withdraw combat troops within a year or so.
He assured Congress that investigators believed the case of nuclear lost and found was not a result of espionage.
Mr. Ridge has assured Congress that these are proven public servants who will have no inside track on reaching and profiting from his agency.
That makes it important for the Administration to assure Congress publicly that the game is not already fixed against removal of China's lowest tariff privileges.
Administration officials have assured Congress that they were not backing away from their commitment to bring war criminals to justice.
Despite the deadlines, the President retains flexibility if he can assure Congress that progress is being made.