Once the Cortes began functioning on 24 September 1810, it assumed legislative powers and oversight of the Regency.
A year later, after the development corporation assumed oversight of the project, it arranged for Mr. Paget to serve as outside counsel during the coming environmental review.
Dean Buresh, chief executive at Marketing Drive, will assume oversight of the Boston office until a successor to Mr. Harris is named.
The Hudson County Improvement Authority is considering borrowing $38 million to pay off the company's debts and assume oversight of its ferry service.
Edmond suggested that the Lasallian Brothers assume the administration and oversight of the school.
In return, the state assumed oversight of all fiscal matters.
She assumes oversight of the archives, the company and the dance school.
In 1851 the State Board of Education assumed oversight of the school.
Schwartz, 48, "will assume oversight of operations, technology and finance as well as co-head of the firm-wide risk committee, the company said.