Bang-Bang bounced off assorted vehicles and got them to 42 Mess Street.
Behind the building, I could see rows of black-and- whites, county cars, and assorted personal vehicles belonging to the Sheriffs Department personnel.
Nine assorted insanely assorted vehicles were slowly going down a dirt road that bordered the fields, progressing south toward the surrounding forests.
Outside the sheriff's office, the men dispersed to the line of assorted vehicles of all shapes and sizes which were parked there.
Even by the time Pétain took over, Richard had somehow assembled 3,500 assorted vehicles.
Harpe could muster only 420 tanks, StuG's and other assorted armoured vehicles.
There were, it seemed, about six thousand State Police units and other assorted vehicles parked helter-skelter outside.
Sam's counterstrategy move number one was shot to hell by a parade of nine idiotically assorted vehicles and some gasping eccentric in a chefs hat.
At its peak, the firm had about $8 billion in assets under management in assorted vehicles, including the technology fund.
Sending out a Sky Spy satellite, the computer scanned assorted Earthly vehicles and machinery to form alternate modes for the Transformers.