Some notable species and their natural hybrids are listed here, together with some assorted varieties and forms:
His right arm is a cannon used to shoot an assorted variety of medication, including one that freezes any target.
"The only life-forms in this vicinity are Celtran sand-bats and assorted varieties of invertebrates."
Marabou chocolate is widely available in Sweden in assorted varieties.
Dopers who were smart made fortunes, and they got to make the assorted varieties of cops look stupid while they did it.
It has experienced extensive change in pronunciation over the centuries, and is pronounced at least six different ways across the assorted varieties of Arabic.
Not to mention an assorted variety of tenants who might decide to join in the fun.
Hectors: large bipedal robots with an assorted variety of weaponry carried on their arms.
Citizens in assorted varieties of spacesuits floated in groups, their serf-servitors like satellites.
Lately, he had been forecasting doom and misery in several assorted varieties if they didn't get rid of the Roman.