Other sources, however, support an association of the name Segida Restituta Iulia with Zafra.
The Alpine Towns of the Year are members of the international association of the same name.
Wellington was quietly renamed Tye during October 1910 because of the unpleasant associations of the old name.
An association of the same name was created in 2006.
It is proposed as a global industry standard by an association of the same name.
The company also wanted to reassure investors who were uneasy about the perceived religious association of the old name.
All the onomatopoeic associations of the name.
Later, investment in developing racecars for motorsports produced returns through sales generated by the association of the name of the automobile with the winners.
I liked that, and I like the associations of the name.
The strong feelings towards a person's name is acquired by the association of the name with feelings towards the person with that name.