The association hires from 20 to 49 individuals.
To monitor legislative activity in Washington, the association of theater owners this spring hired a full-time lobbyist, a position that was vacant for several years.
To prevent this, the tenants' association has hired a lawyer and an elevator expert.
The association has hired five experts who will design the study and seek bids from institutions to conduct it.
Shortly after the election, the association hired two prominent lawyers with close ties to Mr. Clinton.
The association raised $40,000 in contributions and hired a lawyer for its lawsuit against Wavecrest Gardens.
The association has hired a broker to scout sites around Manhattan and an investment banker to help finance the move.
In years past, the association has hired a private security firm to patrol the area.
The association hires Wolfe to find the murderer in hope of ending the public relations disaster.
So the association hired an armed security guard.