Feedback projections have also been observed in the opossum directly from the auditory association cortex to V1.
Visual agnosia occurs after damage to the visual association cortex.
Cerebral achromatopsia (the inability to discriminate between different hues) is caused by damage to the V8 area of the visual association cortex.
The image then travels to the primary visual cortex and continues on to be processed by the visual association cortex.
The parietal association cortex enables individuals to read, write, and solve mathematical problems.
The anterior cingulate, the prefrontal regions, and the association cortex seem to be involved in cognitive inhibition.
The posterior association cortex and subcortical pathways are implicated in this sort of inhibition.
Area 14 is believed to serve as association cortex for the visceral senses and olfaction along with Area 51.
It is part of the auditory association cortex where sounds come in from the ear, are processed and sent to other parts of the brain.
If seizures arise in the visual association cortex then patients usually have hallucinations that include seeing scenes, people, animals, and inanimate object.