Such associations with a related species allow for larger herds, which may help protect both species from predators.
The association of all four monomers allows for the catalytic activity at each possible active site.
During the December 1993 meeting in Tokyo, he said an association would allow the lysine makers to get together.
The association might allow members to drive these streets for free and charge fees to motorists using them as cut-throughs to get to other places.
These associations allow teachers, students and parents to hold conferences to discuss the means of ensuring that the student achieves his or her goals.
Additionally, the royal family's association with this motion picture allowed filming in locations that would have been difficult or even impossible for any other director to access.
In doing so, the association moved past its mainly community health center roots and allowed other providers as segments of its membership.
These associations regulated competition and allowed small firms to function in the shadow of much larger companies.
Instead the association allows its members the freedom to make possible claims for losses incurred.
There was an amused glint in the Sikh's dark eyes, though only much association with him allowed Nan to see it.