Most people had heard of Dr. Vertue, but no one associated with him by choice.
Strain and fatigue are observed by the latter, but not associated by him with the idea of pain: much more so, then, God.
Some might say that we need to cure our unhappiness and associated overeating by massive redistribution of wealth.
Throughout his career, Mailer has eccentrically, 19th-centurily, associated any self-repression with death by cancer.
Oil has become a treasured commodity - associated by some with the costs of war and climate change.
The four municipalities composing it perform their community functions associated by a convention.
Though not associated with narcotics by the general public, they appear in the iconography of smart shops.
Convection associated with the wave gradually consolidated around a low pressure system by July 4.
The title became associated by marriage with that of Chateaubriant in the 11th century.
No active-duty military commanders have openly associated themselves with the criticism by the retired generals.