Fatal hypersensitivity reactions have been associated with therapy with abacavir.
There have also been isolated reports of reversible vision loss and irreversible blindness associated with oral fluoroquinolone therapy.
There are minimal side-effects associated with Gemtuzumab therapy.
Generalized weakness, deconditioning, and musculoskeletal pain associated with cancer diagnosis and therapy may be treated by:
The chief adverse event associated with intensive therapy was a 200%-300% increase in severe hypoglycemia, which is statistically significant.
Drug-induced calculi (kidney stones) has been associated with such therapy as well.
Common adverse drug reactions ( 1% of patients) associated with mycophenolate therapy include diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, infections, leukopenia, and/or anemia.
As with all interventions, there are risks associated with spinal manipulative therapy (SMT).
There are no known risks associated with cognitive-behavioral therapy.
While there are risks associated with medical therapy for rheumatoid arthritis, it is worth remembering the risk of not taking the medicine.