Certainly, some religious groups associate sex with sin, which can either be inhibiting or inspiring, depending on your point of view (and whether or not you own your own vestments).
To people used to associating sex with romance and romance with mystery, these guidelines look stifling.
It was a simple-minded thing for a female Earthling to do, to associate sex and glamor with war.
Marie-Anne, meanwhile, believes that Emmanuelle needs to be cured of her need to associate sex with love.
The photos of grotesquely damaged diseased genitalia fascinated and horrified young Dalí, and he continued to associate sex with putrefaction and decay into his adulthood.
Though why I should associate sex with a machine I have no idea.
Others feel threatened by the age-old myth associating oral sex and homosexuality and fear participation in mouth-genital contact may be a sign of their deep-seated homosexuality.
"It was the 'moment after' cigarette," he said, confirming ancient rumors that tobacco advertisers try to associate sex with cigarettes.
According to FFP founder Page Mellish, pornography provides the training for incest, assault, and rape, results in the objectification of women, affects women's ability to get equal rights and equal pay and encourages men associate sex with violence.