There are 11 principal partners and four associate partners.
"He really saw himself as an advocate for the client," said David L. Davis, an associate partner.
In 1977, he became the associate partner in the firm.
He ultimately was made an associate partner in charge of design.
Today, as I write this, profit sharing has around $1.8 billion in it-equity in the company that belongs to our associate partners.
Mark Strauss, an associate partner in charge of planning for the firm, said its designs would utilize the sloping terrain.
"We wanted people to be able to see the view when they cross," said Alistair Lenczner, an associate partner of the firm.
As of 2012 there are 26 member parliaments, 2 associate partners and 12 observer organizations.
This project was supported by the Commission and has attracted 18 participant countries and 34 associate partners.
There is also a group of associate partners.