His associates control many crucial positions in Government, including the intelligence services.
Cao Shuang and his associates thus controlled the Wei court.
After Cui's death, Xiao Baojuan grew even more confident, and his associates quickly controlled the government.
In addition, Yukos received yet another default notice, this one for a $1.6 billion loan from Group Menatep, the holding company through which Mr. Khodorkovsky and his associates control Yukos.
However, investigators reported that Chesler and his associates still controlled the gambling operations.
At its peak, their company, Trans-World Metals, and its associates controlled five percent of the world's aluminum output.
Corona and its associates control the rest.
It said that he and two associates - Anthony (Tony Waterguns) Pisapia and Louis Zacchia, an officer of the San Gennaro society - also controlled other street fairs in the city.
Mr. Currey and an associate, P. Anthony Lannie, now control 52 percent of all GLI shares.
The evidence is drawn chiefly from news reports over the last year that detail Mr. DeLay's forceful efforts to persuade corporate lobbyists to donate large sums to political action committees he and his associates control.